A message from the owner

Hey, it's Randy here. I've been knee-deep in the engineering and software development world for over a decade. Climbing the ladder, I eventually hit the Vice President level in a global company. But life threw a curveball – when the economy stumbled and my whole department was laid off, I found myself facing a tough decision.


Should I continue chomping at the bit to climb the executive ladder, or should I follow a path that I have been enjoying doing on the side for over a decade? Believing that God has a plan for everything, I decided to pursue this business with the a saying ringing in my ear, "Stop living someone else's definition of happiness and start living your own. (David Paul Vosburg)"

That led me to start up this venture. Business ownership is a leap of faith and filled with twists and turns that a person couldn't imaging unless they experience it for themselves. Web presence is almost mandatory for a small business to become established. Having a company website helps identify a brand, display your offererings, and show your character. I started this company to do just that - help businesses get on the internet with their very own website easily and painlessly.

You are the master of your domain and people who come to your shop look at you as an expert in the field. Let me help you get your website up and running so you can focus on what you love. We will work together to create a website that you will be proud to have your customers see. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Local business helping people grow.

Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado

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